Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Animal Moments

ok so i have seriously taken for granted the wondeful animals that surround me everday here. as i walked home from work today i caught a glimpse of a sight that i rarely pay attention to anymore. a man sitting in a cart being pulled by two donkeys down my street - a very busy street in dokki. i have to say, anyone who's willing to be in that cart while being surrounded by the driving in cairo gets points in my book. and they guy made the donkeys u-turn along with the cars.

i see stuff like this all the time and i think i've gotten used to it. i'm starting to wonder if i'll be sad when i go home and look at my neighbors roof but am unable to find several chickens playing in the morning. or walk down the street with friends and be heart broken not to see lambs, camels, cows or goats....

now, don't think that there are animals just randomly roaming the streets of egypt - well besides cats. it's just that its a new experience (well not anymore) to be able to walk down a street and see some animal tied up and kickin it 5 feet from you. especially when it's near an Islamic holiday. boy, the animals you get to see then.


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